The corona virus and the resulting disease it causes, Covid-19, changed our lives with a global pandemic event in 2020, when washing our hands, wearing masks and social distancing became “the new normal”. We all experienced loss, some sadly lost family, some lost milestone life experiences, and we all lost our normal way of life. Documenting our experiences in 2020 will help us remember our stories so we can share them in the future. It will also help us reflect on the year, and how this experience has made us change and grow.

This video workshop will provide a journaling strategy and writing prompts to help you capture your personal story from 2020.
There are two ways to use this video. Either watch the entire video through to the end then come back and work through each prompt, or, pause the video as you watch and begin writing your responses.
We will begin by simply making lists and jotting down ideas for each writing prompt. I have provided ideas for each prompt to help you get started. Once you have listed your ideas you will come back and go through each prompt again to add more detail.
Watch the video below or follow the link to watch it in a larger format. Grab a pen and paper and let’s get started! Watch the larger video HERE.