We collect a lot of photos. Most of us save hundreds to thousands every year, even in the most organized collections. We will be passing on huge collections, in the tens to hundreds of thousands, to future generations. Faced with this many photos, how will they find the ones that matter?
That’s where a Curated Legacy Collection comes in.
A Legacy Collection is the collection of photos, stories, and memorabilia we pass down to our descendants. A curated Legacy Collection is a collection where the items that are included have been specially selected to share the most meaningful photos and stories of your life, your chapter in your family’s history.

Curating your Legacy Collection is as simple as identifying your favourite photos. It can be as complex as selecting the photos that best share your story and adding all the details of those stories to each photo’s metadata ensuring the stories are attached to each photo and travel with it. While this selection process may be more complex it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Fifteen to twenty pictures are enough to share your most meaningful stories from each year.
Wouldn’t you rather inherit a meaningful collection of 20 photos from each year with all the stories attached? Me too!
Your Legacy Collection can be built alongside your everyday photo collection, or you can use a meaningful tag, such as Legacy, to identify these special pictures within your collection. Either way, make notes in your personal papers so your loved ones can easily find the most important pictures in your collection.
Don’t let your important story be overwhelmed by your collection of photos.
Pick out the stars and let your story shine.