Our digital photo collections are growing out of control. We are overwhelmed. There is a high risk of losing digital photos and we are drowning in the sheer number of photos we collect. Why organize your digital photos? Here are the most important reasons:
- So you can find them. With an organized collection all your digital photos will reside in the same place. You will know exactly where to go to find them.
- So you can keep them safe. An organized digital photo collection can easily be backed up. Everything is in one place and you can back it all up at once. You can easily set scheduled and automatic back ups too. Never worry about losing your photos again.

- So you can find a specific photo. Once organized you can find any specific photo within seconds. Ideally, you would use the search function and have the exact photo you need pop up for you.
- So you can share them. Easily pick the perfect images to share your stories with family and friends. Create the perfect #ThrowbackThursday post. Brighten your best friend’s day with a favourite image of the two of you. Find that baby picture your kid needs for school today.
- So you can use them. Your organized photo collection will tell your stories and make it easier for you to select the images you need. Photo books and gifts are much easier to create. Quickly pick the perfect image for your Christmas cards.
- So you can access them. An organized collection can be managed and stored in ways that allow you to access ALL your photos from ANY of your devices.
- So you can share your collection. An organized collection allows you to share all your photos, not just individual images. You can share family stories and memories with family, friends, and future generations. Together you can remember and be remembered.
- So you know what to do with new photos. An organized collection requires a system to keep it organized. This will be a system you can continue to use as you add more pictures to your collection. No more duplicates!
- So you can enjoy them. Your photos are more than just images, they tell your stories and hold your memories. We take pictures to help us remember the things that are important to us.
- So you don’t have to worry about them! Once your collection is organized and backed up you will never have to worry about them again. You know where they are. You know they are safe.
Save time, worry and frustration. Creating an organized digital photo collection puts a system in place so you can manage, protect and enjoy your photos. Move from overwhelmed to organized.