This project is to create a book about a special person in your life. While I’ve called it a “Grandparent Book” is certainly is not restricted to grandparents! We’re introducing this project in February as it requires some time and effort, from all parties involved, to get to the finished book. But this project is so worth the effort! You will end up with a book all about your special person – their likes, dislikes, stories and special memories. Give them the gift of your time and attention. We all have stories to share, honour the ones you love by letting them be heard.
Start with a Plan
- You will be presenting your special person with a list of questions then compiling the answers in a book. Talk with your special person and make sure they want to be involved in the project. Everyone has stories, let them know you’d like to hear more of theirs.
- Be prepared. Select the questions you will ask. You can refine them as you send them but for now pick out the ones that you would like your special person to answer. I’ve provided a big list of sample questions below.
- Establish the process you will follow. I suggest you tackle a few questions at a time, you don’t want to overwhelm them with too many questions at once. Make sure you give them some time to think about their responses. Perhaps you will send 2-3 questions a week in an email, and they will email back their responses, or you will have tea once a week and record your conversation. Consider how you can use photos to help them remember more stories and details. Location makes a difference; you will hear different stories sitting around the kitchen table than you will sitting in the formal living room. Think about how you will record their responses – written, recorded or on video. If you are recording or videoing be sure to write down the responses as well, just in case you run into tech issues.
- Contact your special person and let them know how your process will work. Give them an idea of the scope of the project, whether they should expect 20 questions or 100 questions. Also, let them know they can skip any questions they don’t feel comfortable answering.

Collect the Stories
- Ask your first few questions. Try to make them interesting for your special person to answer. You may want to start with a few basic questions; full name, date of birth, where they were born etc. just to get the ball rolling. Be sure to ask them to elaborate or provide more detail where you would like to know more. Welcome additional memories and follow where the discussion takes you.
- When you receive their responses make sure you record the answer with the question. Keep the answer in their tone of voice. This is easy if they are writing their answers for you, more difficult if you are having a conversation. Ask if you can record the conversation so you can capture the way they speak when you put their book together. These recordings will also be very special to keep!
- Continue to ask questions a few at a time. I suggest you keep each group of questions to one time period, theme, or event. A few questions about their childhood will get them thinking about that period and help them remember more stories and details. Dig out the photo albums to help them remember.
- Finish each set of questions with something like “Is there anything else from this time period you’d like to share?”.
- Collect pictures of your special person. See if you can collect pictures from different periods in their life. If they share a great story about their first car, ask if they have a picture of that car. Scan the pictures so you can use them in the photo book.
Build Your Book
- Look at a variety of photo book publishing sites to see what options and prices are available then select your publisher.
- Decide how you would like to present the information in your book.
- Will you print one question and the response on a page?
- Will you leave out the questions and just use the responses as your text?
- Will you blend some of the responses to different questions to tell a story?
- Will you make the book sound more like a biography, “Joe was born in Ireland in 1940 where he lived with his parents and 7 siblings until 1955.”
- Select a theme on your publisher’s website and begin uploading your pictures.
- Make the first few pages for your book. If you find the publisher’s website confusing or difficult to use, try another one.
- If you’re having difficulty making the book, or are short on time, many publishers offer a service that builds the book for you.
- Build your entire book. Use the preview option on the website to flip through the pages and see if you like the layout.
- You may want to share this preview with your special person, especially if you are planning to print multiple copies of the book. They may want to be reassured about the information you are sharing.
Edit the Book
- Make sure your book is complete. Are all the stories included? Are all the pictures included?
- Ensure your pictures and text are within the appropriate margins for printing. Don’t have anything close to the edges of the page, give yourself a very big margin so nothing gets cut off when they print the pages or physically cut the pages.
- Make sure your pictures and text avoid the gutter, the middle of the book where the two pages are attached to the binding. Don’t have anything close to where the two pages come together in the centre of the book. It’s hard to read text that is on that bend in the page where it connects to the binding. Give yourself lots of space from that edge of the page too.
- Check your typing. Look for spelling errors. It helps to read your sentences backwards.
- Check the alignment of your typing – does everything line up or are there extra spaces. Check the space between lines of typing is consistent. Look for anything that doesn’t look right.
- Look at your text. Have you been consistent? Have you used the same font for the text on every page? Is the size of the text the same on each page? Is the font you’ve chosen legible? Have you been consistent in your choice of fonts and size for titles and headings?
- Look at the details. Are the correct pictures on each page? Did you number your pages?
- Check your covers. Make sure nothing is close to the edges. Check your spelling. Make sure your text looks right. On the back cover make sure you’ve positioned any text in a space that will not be covered by the publisher’s markings.
- Check the spine. If you added text to the spine of the book, make sure it’s legible. Check your spelling. Check it’s centered on the spine. Check you like where it will be printed – some publishers let you choose whether to position it at the top of the spine or in the middle.
- The more time you spend editing, the better your finished book will be. I like to walk away from the project for a day or two after I finish editing and before I push the print button. Come back and give your book one more look with fresh eyes before sending it to print.
Thank your special person and be sure to gift them a copy of the book. I’m sure they’ll enjoy the memories just as much as you do!

Here is a big list of Questions you can choose from:
General Information
What is your full name?
Where and when were you born?
Do you know any stories about your birth?
Were you adopted? Do you know any of the circumstances around the adoption?
Do you know why your parents chose your name?
Have you ever had nicknames?
What were your parents’ names?
Do you know when and where they were born?
Do you know how they met?
What were their occupations?
What are your best memories of them?
When did they die? How old were they? What did they die from?
What were your grandparents’ names?
Do you know when and where they were born?
Did you know them?
What were their occupations?
What are your best memories of them?
When did they die? How old were they? What did they die from?
What were your great-grandparents names?
Do you know when and where they were born?
Did you ever meet them?
Do you know how they met?
What were their occupations?
What are your best memories of them?
When did they die? How old were they? What did they die from?
How many siblings do you have? What are their names? Are they older or younger than you?
Where did your family live when you were little?
Share an early childhood memory.
Did you have your own room as a child, or did you share with a sibling?
Did you have a favourite toy?
What games did you play when you were young?
What holiday traditions do you remember from when you were young?
Do you remember your family kitchen? Can you describe what you remember best?
Do you remember your grandmother’s kitchen? Can you describe what you remember best?
Describe your home. What did the outside look like? What did the inside look like?
Did your family celebrate birthdays? Do you remember any special occasions or gifts?
Tell me about something you liked to do with your mom.
Tell me about something you liked to do with your dad.
Elementary School
Where did you go to elementary school?
How did you get to school?
Did your school have a playground? What do you remember playing/doing at recess?
Did you have a favourite teacher? What made them special?
Did you have a favourite subject?
Was there a teacher, subject or student you particularly didn’t like?
Do you remember any of the comments from your report cards? Were there any common themes (he’s shy, she’s very conscientious)
What were you like as a child? Shy, bossy, quiet, etc. Share a story that exhibits these traits.
What did you want to be when you grew up?
Who was your best friend in elementary school? What did you do together?
Did you have pets growing up?
Did your family have a telephone? How did it work?
Do you remember any favourite books or stories?
Can you remember any of your clothing from your childhood? Can you describe it or what it was like to wear it?
Did you have a bike or other mode of transportation? What were your greatest adventures?
Did you take lessons as a child? Were you involved in music, sports, drama or other activities?
Did your family have a radio or television? When did these appear in your house? What is your earliest or best memory with getting television? Did you have any favourite programs?
Did you have worries or fears as a child?
Describe your neighbourhood. Can you remember your route home from school?
Middle School
Where did you go to middle school?
How did you get to school?
Did you have a favourite teacher and/or subject?
Was there a teacher, subject or student you particularly did not like?
Who was you best friend? What did you like to do together?
What did you do after school?
Do you remember any TV programs you watched?
Did you have any favourite books or movies?
Did you have any favourite foods/snacks?
Did you take any lessons? Were you involved in music, sports, drama or other activities?
Did you play on any teams?
Did you do any organized activities? Girl guides, scouts, summer camps, community theatre, etc.
Did you ever get in trouble?
High School
Where did you go to high school?
How did you get to school?
Did you have a favourite teacher and/or subject?
Was there a teacher you particularly didn’t like?
What were your best/worst subjects? What were your marks like?
Did you belong to any clubs or do any extracurricular activities?
Did you play sports? Were you on any teams?
Did you win any special recognition, awards or scholarships?
Did your graduate from high school? If not, when did you leave school and why?
What was your high school graduation ceremony (and post ceremony party) like? What did you wear?
What clothing did you wear as a teenager?
Did you wear any special jewellery? Did you wear makeup or high heels?
How did you wear your hair?
Did you have facial hair?
Who was your best friend? Who else was in your circle of friends?
Did you date in high school? Where would you go on a high school date?
Did you do chores or have a part time job to earn money?
What did you spend your money on?
What did you do for fun after school and on weekends?
Did you have any favourite TV programs?
Did you cook at home?
What was your favourite meal?
Did you have any favourite snacks?
Did you have a favourite place to hang out? What did you do there? What made it special?
What were some of the most memorable events from high school? Prom, dances, sports, plays, etc.
Who did you idolize? Did you have a favourite band? Did you have a favourite actor/actress?
What was your first concert? Or first big memorable event?
What do you remember doing for the first time on your own, maybe with friends but not with your family, that gave you a sense of freedom?
Can you remember something you wanted more than anything?
What did you think your occupation would be?
Did you ever get into trouble at high school?
When and how did you learn to drive? Do you have any stories about getting your license or your early driving experiences?
General Early Years
Did you suffer any childhood accidents or injuries?
Did you suffer any childhood illnesses?
Did you have braces or eyeglasses?
Did your family suffer difficulties or tragedies during your childhood? Were you aware of them?
Did your family take holidays? Where did you go and what can you remember doing?
Did your family travel? Where did you go and what can you remember doing?
Do you remember your family cars? Where did you go?
What was the house like you grew up in? Can you describe the kitchen? Were there rooms that were off-limits? What was your favourite space?
Did your family move while you were growing up? What do you remember about that experience?
What were your parents like? What was important to them?
What roles did your parents play in your home? What chores did they each do?
What were your siblings like? What was your role with them? How did you get along?
Were there other family members who lived with you or greatly influenced you?
Do you remember spending time with your grandparents? Is there something special you associate with them? What do you remember most about them?
Did you spend time with extended family? Who did you spend time with? What can you remember doing together?
Did your family go to church? What role did religion play as you were growing up?
What were your Christmas/holiday traditions? When did you open presents? Did you go to church? What activities did your family participate in? did you have a Christmas tree? Did you decorate for Christmas? Who would you celebrate with? What food would you traditionally eat?
Were there other special days or traditions your family celebrated?
Was your family very social? Did you often have family and family friends come to your home?
Early Adulthood
Did you do any post secondary schooling? Where did you go to school? What did you take?
What classes did you particularly enjoy?
How did you pay for your schooling?
Where did you live while you were going to school? What was that like?
What special events, activities, clubs, did you enjoy?
Do you have any degrees? What were you majors?
What was your first car? Can you remember how it made you feel? What adventures did you have in that vehicle?
What was your first real job? What did you do? Can you remember how much you were paid? How did you get this job? Can you remember how you spent your first paycheck?
How did you dress?
How did you wear your hair?
Did you have facial hair?
Did you date very much? What did you do on dates?
Where did you live when you first moved away from home?
Did you live on your own before you were married?
Did you live with roommates?
What was the first home you purchased?
What were some of your early jobs?
How did you choose your career?
When did you meet your husband/wife?
What did you think of them when your first met?
How did you end up getting to know one another?
Tell me about some of your dating experiences.
What was it that drew you to your spouse? What makes them special?
How did you know you wanted to marry them?
How long did you date before you became engaged?
Describe the marriage proposal. Was there an engagement ring?
How long were you engaged before getting married?
Tell me about your wedding day.
Did you have a honeymoon? Where did you go?
What were the biggest adjustments you had to make learning to live together?
What strengths did you learn your partner had?
What was the first big purchase you made together?
Have you been married more than once?
If a previous marriage ended in divorce, why do you think it was unsuccessful?
If a previous marriage ended tragically, can you share the story?
Have you ever had your heart broken?
Did you plan to have children?
How soon after you were married (or together) did you become pregnant?
How did you feel about becoming a parent?
Do you have any funny stories related to your pregnancies?
Do you have any tragic or sad stories related to your pregnancies?
Can you tell me about the days your children were born?
What did you love most about being a parent?
What was your greatest fear as a parent?
How would you describe your parenting style?
What did you love to do with your children when they were little?
Do you remember any funny stories from when the children were little?
What cars did you own when your children were with you?
How did you and your spouse balance work, family, home?
What kind of activities did you do as a family?
What did you do for family vacations?
Did you take any memorable trips as a family?
What family traditions was it important for you to maintain? Why?
Did you start any new traditions?
How did your parenting change when your children were teenagers?
Did you teach your children to drive? Do you have any stories to share?
What were each of your children like when they were young and when they were teenagers?
What were your biggest hopes and dreams for your children?
What jobs have you had in your career?
Have you ever been self-employed?
What did you enjoy most about your career?
What made you successful at work?
Did you try to continue using talents and skills you developed when you were younger?
Did you continue to pursue any interests or hobbies?
Did you take any adult education classes?
Who were your friends during this period of your life?
What did you and your friends do together?
Did you have any family pets?
What cars have you owned?
Have you ever needed stitches, broken a bone or been hospitalized?
Have you ever been in an ambulance? Why?
Have you ever been in a helicopter? Why?
What is your favourite holiday? Why?
What is your favourite holiday food?
How many countries have you visited?
What is your favourite place you’ve visited?
What place has been the most special for you?
What have been some of your favourite books?
What have been some of your favourite movies?
Do you have a favourite song or type of music?
What languages can you speak?
What musical instruments can you play?
Do you have any artistic talents?
Describe a difficult experience you had to deal with.
Have you ever been arrested or had a “brush with the law”?
Did you ever feel caught in the middle, dealing with aging parents and a busy family?
When you have experienced grief, what do you find helped you deal with it?
What are some health problems you’ve had to deal with in your life?
Did you care for elderly parents? What were some of the difficulties you faced?
Have you lost your spouse? How did you move through the grief?
Since the loss of your spouse how has your life changed?
Later Life
Did you look forward to retirement or dread it?
What did you find to do once you retired?
How is being a grandparent different from being a parent?
What were some of the most important events in the world during your lifetime? How have they influenced or impacted you?
What are some inventions that have come into our lives during your lifetime? Which do you think had the biggest impact in your life and in society in general?
What has been the happiest day of your life?
What activities do you like to do now?
Are there hobbies or activities you’ve picked up later in life?
Is there a person you can think of who had a great influence on your life?
What TV shows do you like to watch?
Who are your friends? What do you like to do together?
What have you made that you’re most proud of?
Are there any family heirlooms that have been passed down in your family?
What role has religion played in your life?
What do you think made your marriage a success?
What’s the biggest difference about today’s world compared to the one you grew up in?
Which 3 events most shaped your life?
What was your biggest adventure? Why do you consider it the biggest adventure?
Which 3 words best describe how you want to be remembered?
What moments stand out as some of the happiest in your life?
What are you most thankful for?
What worries do you have for your family?
What do you wish you had spent more time on in life? Spent less time on?
What advice would you give your younger self?
What advice would you share with the family?
What are you most looking forward to?
Have you thought of anything I should have asked about but didn’t?
Is there anything else you’d like to share?