This is a fun project to do over the summer! The idea for a Grandchild Book is to give your children some questions to answer about their grandparents then compile the answers and their drawings into a book. We had so much fun doing this when my kids were little!
Note that this project will take some time if you are doing it with smaller children. Every few days give your children a page with a question and room to draw pictures. Have them answer the questions and draw an illustration. I have a list of questions you can use at the bottom of the post, but some examples may be “My favourite thing to do with you is…” and “If we had a sleepover we could….”
I like to have the kids write their answers if they can. Capturing their “kid writing” is a big part of making the book special. If their “kid writing” is still a little difficult to read, you can add a line of translation at the bottom of the page when you make your books.
I also like to include photos in our books. This is a great place to highlight the photos of the child with their grandparent or just to share your super cute kid photos!
Scan the pages your children make to create jpgs and upload them to your photo book printing site. Add any other photos and text and you’re ready to publish!
The finished books make great gifts! They are so sweet you may need to print two copies, one for the grandparent and one to keep for yourself!

My children did this project with booklets from Creative Memories. Here are their pages ideas to get you started:
Your real name is ___________________ but I like to call you ________________.
I’m pretty sure you are ______________years old.
When you were my age this is what I think you liked to do …
The best part about being with you is …
The coolest thing you ever gave me was …
What do you do all day while I’m at school? I think you…
I love going places with you! The best place we go is …
If you and I could go on an adventure, I wish we could…
No one in the whole world is better than you at….
You always say …
Here’s a question I’ve always wanted to ask you…
I love you because…
And some other ideas:
My favourite thing to do with you is …
If we had a sleepover, we could …
The next time I visit I think we should …
Remember when we …
This is a picture of us …
This is a picture of us at the …
This is a picture of us sharing a …
This is a picture of me hugging you.