Many of our objects have stories to tell. You can capture these stories and include them in your family photo archives. Scan or photograph your memorabilia to preserve images of them. I often scan tickets, birth and death notices, invitations, letters, coasters, ribbons, certificates, all the things that tell stories or that contribute details to our stories.
Photograph your family collections and any other special items like toys, artwork and furniture. Is there an item that has been handed down through the generations? That item has a story. Does your child have a favourite stuffed animal? That item also has a story. Photograph these items so you can keep an image in your family collection.

Once your item has been scanned or photographed be sure to add the stories to the metadata of the photo. Type the details into the description field so the story of the item stays with the photo. When you’re telling the story think about where your item has come from, how it is meaningful to you, what emotions it evokes and what it makes you think about. Describe any details about your item – how it’s written in your grandmother’s handwriting, where the chip on the side came from, how it is presented as it’s handed down.
Simply pick an item and tell its story. Will it be a recipe? A ceramic owl? A hat? A baby’s cradle? An airline ticket? We all have “things” that hold important memories and meaning for us. Pick your first item and begin telling its story today.