Digital Photo Organizing Process

A Digital Photo Organizing Project consolidates all of your digital photos and videos into a simple, chronological folder structure, eliminates duplicates, and securely backs up your collection. You will have a complete digital collection that is easy to understand, access, maintain and back up.

Here are the steps we follow in more detail:

  1. We find a time for you to drop off your sources (the camera memory cards, external hard drives, DVDs, etc.), or a time for us to connect so I can access your photos online, or to connect remotely through your computer.
  2. We gather all your photos and videos to a single location. I refer to this as your Digital Photo Hub. Once it's all in one location we can begin working on it.
  3. We remove the duplicates in your collection. We look for all duplicate photos at a 100% match. We do not delete any of your photos - when we remove duplicates we move them into their own folder called "Duplicates - to be deleted", outside of your chronological folders, so you can review the items and delete them yourself.
  4. We organize your photos and videos into a simple, chronological folder system based on the date the photo or video was taken.
  5. We often need to correct missing or corrupt capture dates. Sometimes we can use clues within your collection to date these photos (for instance it might have come from a folder called Hawaii January 2005) and sometimes we will need your help.
  6. If you selected the Searchable DPO Session we go through every photo in your collection and tag them with your keywords. Your keywords could be people's names, holiday locations, pets, friends, activities, holidays, anything you would use to find a group of photos in your collection. For example, if you have a cottage where you vacation every summer you could use "Cottage" as a keyword in your collection. If you were making a photo book about all the fun you've had at the cottage over the years you could simply search your collection for the keyword "Cottage" and all you pictures will pull up for you. Using keywords makes your collection more searchable.
  7. We create a back up copy of your full collection. This may be on a second external hard drive or in an online storage site you've selected.
  8. We walk you through your collection, explain how to maintain it, and answer any questions.

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